White House reportedly considers $10,000 student debt cancellation for those making less than $125,000

The White House is expected to announce a plan to cancel a chunk of student loan debt on Wednesday

Sources said President Biden’s intended measure will include at least $10,000 in loan forgiveness for borrowers who make less than $125,000 annually

The $10,000 figure would be the largest forgiveness of federal student loans per individual to date.

– Biden is reportedly considering $10,000 in relief for borrowers making under $125,000 a year.

Biden has canceled more student loan debt than any other president, nearly $32 billion in Student loans.

On Tuesday that "canceling student loan" would be trending on Twitter.

To be sure, Biden has not confirmed any decision on relief and the reported plans could change before he makes an announcement.

It's not final until it's final, but borrowers may finally receive news they've been waiting for since Biden took office.